Meet Our Guides.

Here's a team of our dedicated group of reliable, professional guides, each with a wealth of experience and a passion for Scotland, its culture, history, and nature.


Beyond their expertise, our guides are known for being simply pleasant and interesting people to explore the country with, ensuring that your adventures are not only enlightening but also enjoyable.


Our guide speak excellent English and have an extensive knowledge of Scotland's history, culture, and traditions, which they are eager to share with you.


With a reputation for reliability, professionalism, and a passion for exploration, our guides are your trusted companions in discovering the Scotland's wonders.





If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Phone: +44 7747788883




WhatsApp: +44 7747788883









Sergei Bertashus


I came to Scotland 19 years ago for a year of work, and ended up staying because I fell in love with this country.


There's no warm sea here, but you'll be surprised - palm trees grow here, and the coastline rivals tropical islands in beauty. There are no towering Alpine peaks, but the mountains and glens enchant with fairy-tale views.


The weather may be unpredictable, but it will gift you with beautiful cloud formations that gently float over lochs and glens. Fishing villages smell of the sea and fresh catch. Here and there, numerous whisky distilleries age the noble spirit in oak barrels, highly valued worldwide! Medieval castles, abbeys, ancient universities... And how the heather blooms, covering the hills and valleys in purple! And let's not forget that Scotland is the birthplace of golf!


All of this and much more has won over my heart, and as a photographer and traveler, I decided to get involved in tourism and share this beauty with guests of this unique country, which not only has a vast present but also a rich history that I have meticulously studied. Welcome to Scotland!


Here are several photos from my trips around Scotland.







Svetlana Grigorians


Leaving behind a prestigious job in the capital, my university diplomas in linguistics, and the bustling city, I found myself in the land of all those legends and stories that I used to immerse myself in as a child.


It so happens that the dreams of adventures that live within us since childhood are manifested in our lives in the most mysterious ways. We dream of distant lands, and the thirst for discoveries sometimes compels us to change our lives.


Thirteen years spent in Scotland have given me incredible experiences and a multitude of discoveries. I've explored the northern islands and lakes, waterfalls, and mountain trails; listened to Celtic legends, studied runes, and the history of this remarkable land.


Scotland has given me that rare sense of freedom and the integrity of culture, nature, and history, where the spirit of centuries seeps into the soul through language, legends, and castles, smiles, and the stories of people, the sound of the sea, and remains in the heart.


My passion has turned into a job as a guide, and with all these experiences, beautiful routes, and knowledge, I am ready to share with you, dear travelers!


Here's some of Svetlana's photos from here trips around Scotland.











Alex Kovalenko


I've had the pleasure of guiding numerous groups of tourists for over a decade, and I can confidently say that Scotland is one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in the world.


I have explored every corner of this land, from the majestic mountains and lochs of the Highlands, to the vibrant cities and historic sites of the Lowlands, to the stunning islands and coastlines of the Hebrides. I have shared my passion and knowledge with countless tourists, who have joined me on unforgettable journeys across Scotland.


Exploring Scotland isn't just my job; it's my passion. and I've traversed this beautiful country countless times. Along the way, I've uncovered scenic routes that offer breathtaking vistas and stumbled upon hidden gems that continue to astonish me.


For me there's nothing quite like the thrill of planning the next great adventure, working with tourists, and weaving their dreams and desires into unforgettable journeys filled with the best Scotland has to offer.